I wanted to write about turmeric after regularly using turmeric for years and reaping some great benefits. While growing up, the use of turmeric was imperative for many occasions in my family.
Though the applications and uses of turmeric are vast, I would share about some of the ways it was used at my home.
Cultural and Spiritual Practices Using Turmeric
It was believed that turmeric not only has antioxidant properties but also possesses spiritual benefits.
Turmeric was used as a form of “spiritual bath and aura cleansing.” It was used for cleaning the house during spiritual rituals.
When I have been around negative situations or feeling mentally and physically exhausted….turmeric awaits for me, to refresh and rejuvenate!
I was taught by my grandparents that after coming back from specific places like hospitals and cemeteries, a turmeric bath has to be taken. It was believed that “certain types of energy vampires known as black holes exist in these places to draw energy from us,” which gets us exhausted.
Hence, it was a vital practice for us to take a bath with turmeric to achieve a complete “aura detox” after visiting these places. To put it simply, the purpose of turmeric cleansing was to remove negative energies and raise positive vibrations.
But, hang on….I am not going to dive deep into the spiritual effects of turmeric today. I am going to take you now, into the some of its health benefits.
Turmeric was also used for cooking in my household to enhance taste and health benefits. In the beginning, I was skeptical about the use of turmeric and its ability to provide specific health benefits. I presumed it was just a simple condiment added for enhancing the taste of food and nothing more than that. However, I changed my perspectives after seeing its positive effects on me.
What Changed My Perspectives?
I suffered several tendons and joints inflammations when doing workouts. Using painkillers and pain relief sprays only gave me temporary solutions. The pain returns back after a few days. Tendons and joints pain tormented me over the years. I struggled battling these pain and had to abstain from workouts till I fully recovered.
To do away with workouts for prolonged periods and taking painkillers led me to gain weight, affected my immune system and made me fall sick easily.
That’s when my paternal aunt advised me to drink some turmeric tea to improve my immunity. She said, it was a remedy used by my grandparents to manage health issues. To me, it sounded crazy to use turmeric tea to solve my long term health problems overnight.
Nonetheless, with doubt, little hope and some curiosity, I drank a cup of turmeric tea that afternoon. To my surprise, I realized that I “could breathe better.” That night, I slept well and woke up next day feeling fresh and vibrant. My nasal congestions cleared and my body felt much better.
As my doubts ceased and hopes grew, I started drinking turmeric tea regularly. I experienced a strong relief from my pain. My joints and tendons felt less stiff and became more flexible.
Gradually, I built my confidence to start my workouts again, after seeing improvements in my health.
What I Learnt About Turmeric?
I started studying deeper about the use turmeric. I learned that turmeric is a flowering plant which has more than 300 naturally occurring components. These components include vitamin c, calcium, flavonoids, fiber, niacin, potassium and much more. Its most active ingredient is curcumin.
Turmeric could also be used as a paste to apply on wounds, scalds, pimples and burns to speed up healing and treat several skin disorders. It helps in managing physical pains caused by menstrual cycles.
Some of the benefits I experienced through the use turmeric are, stronger immune system, good digestion and detoxification, better joints and tendons mobility, great inflammatory responses, better skin health, sharper mind, healthy weight management and improved sleep patterns. It aided in reducing my muscles soreness after workouts.
I added turmeric as part of my balanced diet to sustain my health. One way I do it is by adding a teaspoon to my protein shakes daily.
Though turmeric has some great benefits, it is important to be wary and conscious about what fits our body best. What works for us, might not work for others. It is good to consult a doctor before taking decisions that best suit our health needs and fitness goals.
We shall keep in mind that moderation is the key. Any food consumed in excess beyond our bodily needs, will pose challenging effects to our health.
source; https://medium.com/illumination-curated/why-i-started-using-turmeric-d32f673143ed