We must spend more on human resources and education and move away from ‘hard‘infrastructure to ‘soft’ infrastructure investments as a country said Eran Wickramaratne SJB, MP speaking at the Sri Lanka Human Capital Summit 2024 under the theme of Towards a future ready workforce at the Temple Trees Auditorium.
“Let us be open to private sector and foreign suppliers on university and vocational education, and the public sector must be reformed with increasing efficiency, reducing numbers, market remuneration and investment in ongoing training” he declared for the sake of the country.
Suggesting how leaders can help address the brain drain he said that curricula and training must be for international market acceptance. We should not fear those leaving for opportunities overseas. Instead we should open our borders so that companies can attract skills that are required. Further, overseas Sri Lankans should be considered as the biggest asset the country has. They have the necessary education, skills, technology and investment. Therefore, make them welcome by opening our borders. As a result the foreign direct investment will create new job opportunities in the country.. He emphasized
Two key phrases he mentioned not to be touched is reforming the education system but he said he wants to bust it. Mr Eran Wickramaratne stated that we can convert a “brain drain into a brain gain” by having a positive outlook, and open mind and opening our borders to education, students, expatriates and investors