Diabetes is a condition wherein you have high blood sugar levels. The condition is prevalent in both men and women, however, the risks of complications in women tend to be higher.
Women with diabetes have a higher risk of developing complications such as heart disease, kidney problems, and vision loss. Also, women with diabetes may have hormonal imbalances that affect reproductive health, including irregular periods, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and complications during pregnancy such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Therefore, it is important to manage the condition effectively. This can help reduce your risk of developing complications. Here are some self-care practices that women should do to manage high blood sugar levels.
Workout regularly
It is important that you engage in some sort of physical activity every day. This helps to manage your blood sugar levels effectively and also increases your energy. You can also go for brisk walks, perform yoga or light cardio exercises.
Quit smoking
Smoking is bad for your health. Your blood vessels become narrow when you smoke regularly which impacts blood circulation. Therefore, it is important that you quit smoking as it can help manage diabetes and also improve overall health,
Manage stress
Stress can cause your blood sugar levels to increase. Therefore, it is important that you keep a check on your stress levels. Perform pranayama, meditation and yoga to reduce stress.
Sleep well
Rest is extremely important for diabetes management. If you don’t get enough rest, it can affect your blood sugar levels. Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night as it can help in blood sugar management.
Healthy diet
Your diet has a major impact on your blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is important that you follow a healthy diet that has fibre, protein and carbs in the right quantities. This can help in managing your blood sugar. It is important to avoid high-calorie foods.
Monitor blood sugar levels
It is important that you keep a check on your blood sugar levels. This can help your doctor to provide you with the right treatment.
source: indiantvnews.com