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Want glowing skin? Apply ghee on your navel before sleeping at night

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Applying ghee to the navel before sleeping at night can provide many benefits to the body as well apart from glowing skin. Let’s know about it in detail.

In Ayurveda, the navel is considered the centre point of the body. It is related to various parts of our body. The tradition of applying oil to the navel has been going on since ancient times. Often our grandmothers advise us to apply oil on the navel when the lips are cracked. But do you know the benefits of applying ghee on the navel? Yes, medicinal properties are present in abundance in desi ghee, which can help in curing many types of diseases. Applying ghee to the navel every night before sleeping can give many health benefits. This can get rid of many problems in the body. Come, let us know about the benefits of applying ghee on the navel before sleeping at night. 

Skin will glow

Applying ghee on the navel is very beneficial for the skin. Ghee contains vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants, which provide nutrition and moisture to the skin. This keeps the skin hydrated and removes dryness. Regularly applying ghee on the navel can help get rid of skin problems. Also, it improves the skin complexion.

The problem of chapped lips will go away

If your lips crack frequently or remain dry, then applying ghee on the navel can prove to be beneficial. Applying ghee to the navel before sleeping at night will not only stop the cracking of lips but also keep the lips soft.

Relieve stress

According to Ayurveda, applying ghee to the navel balances the Vata dosha. This relaxes the nervous system, which reduces stress, anxiety, and restlessness. Also, it can help in relieving insomnia and getting good sleep.

Relieve digestive problems

Applying ghee on the navel before sleeping at night keeps the digestive system healthy and can get rid of stomach-related problems. This can cure the problem of constipation, gas and acidity. Applying ghee on the navel activates digestive enzymes, which helps in digesting food properly.

Provides relief from joint pain

Applying ghee to the navel can provide relief from joint pain and swelling. For this, before sleeping at night, put 2-3 drops of Desi Ghee in the navel and massage with light hands. This will also provide relief from swelling and pain caused by arthritis.

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