Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to keep our body healthy. If the omega-3 fatty acids are low, it has a bad effect on physical and mental health. Omega-3 and omega-6 are healthy fats essential for our body.
It is also called polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Which has a direct connection with the heart. Fatty acids are needed to reduce inflammation in the body. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids. These symptoms are seen when there is a deficiency of omega 3 in the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the heart
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for keeping the heart healthy. It protects the heart from diseases by controlling cholesterol. The risk of heart attack and stroke can be reduced by fatty acids like omega-3. Omega-3 reduces triglycerides and balances BP. It reduces blood clotting and inflammation.
Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency
- When omega-3 fatty acids are deficient in the body, immunity starts to weaken and you fall sick easily. The body is unable to fight diseases.
- Due to a deficiency of Omega-3, women may have to face problems during periods and pregnancy. Excessive bleeding starts.
- When Omega-3 is low, you are unable to concentrate and your attention is less on anything.
- Sometimes irritability and anxiety in nature can also be due to a deficiency of Omega-3. Such people get angry very quickly.
- Omega-3 deficiency hurts kidney function. This causes toxins to accumulate in the body.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are also essential for keeping the eyes healthy. Its deficiency increases the risk of dry eyes and cataracts.
Source: indiantvnews.com